March 15, 2012

Stink Stick Trials

Remember way back, when I got that bed from the ReStore and promised photos once it was done?! It's been finished for a while now, but I never did get around to the photos. Until today...
<3 how it turned out!!!

I have a few projects lined up for around the house today that I have been meaning to get to. Unfortunately a nasty bought of the stomach flu at our house postponed them all. {I wanted to have everything done before Cousin Erin's arrival this weekend.} There has been more puking in this house in the last 5 days, then the last 2 years at our other house. How we survived with only 1 bathroom and 7 sick people is beyond me. But, I know this much...a 2nd bathroom is at the top of our house project priority list! There was a lot of yelling, crying, desperate pleading, and outright threats to vacate the bathroom ASAP. I won't go into detail about how bad it got at one point, but we have learned one thing...the family that pukes together, stays together. For no other reason than to make sure those stories NEVER make it out to the general public!

I came across a new shampoo recipe with coconut milk I plan on whipping together today, as well as a homemade deodorant people all over the internet are raving about {for both men and women!}. I was especially interested in the deodorant, because I am allergic to the aluminum in most store bought kinds. I had been getting some great natural stuff at Whole Foods for years, but it's getting harder and harder to find. I figured best to try out this homemade stuff to see if it really works before the heat and humidity of Wisco summers hits.

Coconut Shampoo:
1/4c. coconut milk
1/3c liquid castille soap (I'm using my lavender stuff)
1tsp vitamin E, jojoba, or almond oil
10-20 drops essential oil (I plan to use a mix of rosemary and lavender)

Homemade Deodorant:
1/4c. baking soda
1/4c. cornstarch
2tbsp. coconut oil (you can find it in the natural foods section, and use it in place of shortening when cooking. It's solid, but has a low melting point)
10-20 drops essential oil (tea tree or lavender are best, as they have antibacterial properties)
*Mix the baking soda and starch together well in a bowl. Add the drops of essential oils. Lastly, stir in the coconut oil. The recipe says you could use more or less, depending on the consistency you would like. You can either store it in a jar and smear it on {YUCKY}, or form it and put it into a clean recycled deodorant stick. From what I've read, you should keep it in the fridge during the summer so it doesn't melt. It supposedly goes on smooth, doesn't leave marks on clothes, and offers long lasting protection...even on guys. We shall see!*

I also plan to spend some time down in my art studio this afternoon shortening some curtains for my kitchen windows and doing some melted crayon Star Wars paintings to finish off my boys' awesome bedroom. Larry the Storm Trooper is gonna be pretty sad having to stare at the blowing up Death Star painting that will hang across from him on the wall; we hear he had friends on it. :( 

Oh, did I mention that several of the seeds we started this weekend have already sprouted? The packages all said it takes 7-14 days for that to happen, but we started seeing them poke through in just 3. CRAZY!!! So far we have little pumpkin, tomato, cucumber, green onion, hot pepper, kohlrabi, lemon cucumber, basil, chive, thyme, cat grass, cat nip, wildflower, poppies, black eyed susan, painted daisy, red hot poker, and hollyhock seedlings. Wow, that was a mouthful! As Tyler said this morning; looks like we're officially gardeners. 

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