February 29, 2012

Didja Miss Us???

I bet most of our readers thought we had given up...
It's been so long since the last post, I almost don't know where to begin. I guess I'll catch everybody up to speed. 

I am over my disgusting strep infection. We are happily settling into our new house, and loving every minute. We've unpacked about 70% of our stuff in the week and a half we've lived here. All that's left of our refinishing projects is the master bedroom dresser and painting the storm troopers onto my boys' dresser. We've already hosted a party here, and have plans for our housewarming shindig soon. Tyler is just about over his gross sinus infection (Thank GOD!!!). My photography company, Lola Mae Images, is almost fully booked for summer weddings. I have one slot left in July and one for August (hint, hint), and the summer of 2013 is booking nicely, too. But, most exciting...Ty and I have no kids this coming weekend!!! We can hardly wait to enjoy 3 whole days just the two of us. (Hopefully, it doesn't lead to baby #6!)

We did get a little off track with the project during my illness and the move. I will admit I got myself McDonald's chicken nuggets after my second trip to the doctor. I wanted them in the worst way (they are my sickness comfort food), and Ty said unless I was really dying he wouldn't let me have any. I did what any other woman would do, I got them myself. I never told him, though- so he'll find out reading this, just like y'all. ;) I'm not gonna lie, they tasted so damn good, too..I think the guilt and shame of breaking the rules made them tastier! As a family we have been HORRIBLE about remembering to take our canvas bags out shopping with us. It's embarrassing, really. Thankfully we do use the plastic bags for cleaning out the cat box and Madison now accepts them in the recycling bins. Still there are no excuses for that one, we have at least 20 of the canvas bags...we just have to be better about remembering them when we leave the house. We ended up having to buy boxes for the move from U-Haul. That was really tough on us; it was like waving a HUGE flag of defeat. Sadly, Tyler's company just wasn't providing enough to get our house packed up, Craigslist was having a dry spell on boxes, and we were running outta time. We did agree we were going to keep them in storage after our move, which we have. That is, after we cleaned the storage nook out & got rid of the old crusty socks and used condoms from the previous owners. (yes, you read that right...no, I don't know why they had those items in there. Let's just say someone removed it all for the promise of 3 measly Cheetos, and leave it at that. Ugh!) And, we also gave a bunch of our boxes to our moving helper, for his mom to use in her move. Last confession, we bought some new products from Menard's. Yes, I'm hanging my head in shame. Although, in our own defense, we bought a 5 minute shower timer device and a low flow shower head to conserve water. 

Are you wondering what we've done right???? I bet you are! :)
Well, no chemical cleaners or products have entered this house since it has been ours. I left all the old stuff at our condo for the new tenants to enjoy. This house has only had my homemade products used to clean. It smells so nice, and everyone has had much less trouble with allergies. We have figured out how to use our programable thermostat, to help conserve energy. During the hours we are all awake and home, the house is set at 67; when we are gone or asleep, it's set at 60. So far, so good. We have turned our water heater down to the lowest possible safe setting, so as not to waste natural gas or get legionnaire's disease. All our dishes are hand washed, using dish detergent I made. They are rinsed by filling up the other side of the sink with cold water and adding a cup of vinegar. We only wash our clothes in cold water, using the energy saving modes on the washer and dryer. And of course, the detergent and softener I make. (plus a cup of peroxide in the white load to keep it bright) Once the nice weather arrives, we will use a clothes line out back to dry most things. We installed that low flow shower head we bought at Menard's, and only take 5 minute showers. (Unless I am shaving, then I get 10 minutes.) Plus, we recycle like crazy these days. 

With Spring right around the corner, we are beginning to make plans for our garden to supply some of our own veggies and herbs. We'll be hitting up the Willy Street plant sale on April 18th for our plants. Tyler is also getting ready to build our worm composting bin to fertilize the garden, as well as a rain barrel to water it. We also have a date to attend the meeting at the Terrace on March 18th, to sign for locally grown produce and farm products to be delivered to us during the growing season. 

Whew...I got it all out. Now time to go pick up my lil' ones from school. New posts and pictures of the house coming soon. 

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